Making new creative connections in Latvia, Belgium and Slovenia...
Who knew business leaders would love working with a creative writer?! I was asked to speak about creativity and communication at an international business schools conference in Riga (Latvia). I also ran a plenary session on Creativity in Business Education for the EFMD's annual conference. EFMD (European Foundation on Management Development) have been very impressed with the work on creativity I've been doing with HUBS (Hull University's Business School) and with my interviews in The FT.
I presented my work on creativity and business to 115 delegates from 26 countries. It was grrrreat networking with business and education leaders from across Europe, the Far East, and North America to see how they currently integrate creativity into their practices - and how they'd like to in the future!
As a result of my 'gig' at Riga, I have now been asked to work with business schools in London, Hong Kong and Slovenia, and to work with EFMD to inspire their programme delegates with creative writing and creativity methods in Brussels.
I presented my work on creativity and business to 115 delegates from 26 countries. It was grrrreat networking with business and education leaders from across Europe, the Far East, and North America to see how they currently integrate creativity into their practices - and how they'd like to in the future!
As a result of my 'gig' at Riga, I have now been asked to work with business schools in London, Hong Kong and Slovenia, and to work with EFMD to inspire their programme delegates with creative writing and creativity methods in Brussels.