The Brontës, mini-books, bodice-rippers… and flesh soup!

I regularly work at the Brontë Parsonage Museum in Haworth - helping visitors and also school groups capture their visit through creative writing. I've worked with visitors and staff at the Parsonage to create a series of mini-books - like the ones the Brontë sisters produced when they were young. I've run a Write A Bodice-Ripper In An Afternoon with a fabulous multi-cultural mix of visitors as they passed through the museum. Another favourite activity for Primary children is visiting the graveyard in front of the Parsonage were there are - allegedly - 22,000 bodies buried in just that very small area! The kids love writing poems about being worms in the graveyard - munching through all the bodies, and imagining all the tastes, smells and textures of those terrible times when Haworth's infant mortality was one of the highest in Britain because water from the moors flowed through the graveyard to feed the village's main pump.....yuk!
Dove Cottage, Brontë Parsonage & NAWE
Working regularly at Brontë Parsonage led to me a commission from Dove Cottage in The Lake District (the Wordsworth Museum) to work with secondary teachers on: how to deliver English in a creative and fun way. I worked there inspiring two secondary schools to really stretch their pupils creatively! Check out the article in NAWE's (National Association of Writers in Education) magazine.